Our Services

“At Orison Consulting, we combine expertise, adaptability, and strategic insight to offer a holistic approach for your business needs.”In our integrated service suite, we address every facet of your business support requirements. We transition seamlessly from hands-on operational nuances to high-level strategic vision. By leveraging our offerings, you encapsulate everything needed for a thriving enterprise.

Operational Consulting

Our operational consulting is rooted in a deep understanding of diverse industries, enabling us to deploy effective methodologies tailored to each project. We emphasize hands-on, real-world solutions, ensuring rapid implementation and tangible results. By partnering with us, you embrace a blend of expertise and actionable strategies. Dive deeper to understand our unique methodology next.

 The process is initiated when a client reaches out with specific operational needs, whether it’s a short-term workload surge, filling in for an absent resource, or seeking expertise for a niche project.

Based on the client's requirements, we delve into our network to identify profiles that best match the client's needs. This ensures that the client gets the right expertise tailored to their unique situation.

 Depending on the complexity and scale of the client's requirements, we propose either an individual consultant or assemble a team with complementary skills to address the operational challenge.

 With clarity on the scope and scale, a daily rate is proposed. Additionally, we outline the duration of the engagement, bearing in mind the agility to adapt if situations change.

 All the terms, from deliverables to rates and the project's tenure, are documented in a comprehensive contract. This ensures transparency and sets clear expectations on both sides.

Throughout the engagement, we maintain a close watch on deliverables and outcomes. Quarterly evaluations assess the consultant or team's performance, ensuring alignment with the client's goals.

 As the end of the contract nears, feedback is actively sought from the client. Based on the project's success and any further requirements, discussions can lead to potential renewals or new engagements.This delivery model emphasizes understanding the client’s immediate needs and rapidly responding with tailored solutions, ensuring operational continuity and excellence.

Business Process Outsourcing - BPO

BPO at Orison is not just about outsourcing; it’s about crafting a long-term vision. We integrate adaptable solutions with sustainable practices, optimizing operations while significantly reducing costs. Our approach intertwines expertise with efficiency, promising lasting value. Let’s delve into our foundational methodology that makes this possible

The engagement commences with defining the exact business processes that require outsourcing. This could range from back-office functions like IT services to front-end services like customer support.

An agreement is outlined specifying the expectations and deliverables. The SLA encompasses performance metrics, timelines, and standards to maintain service quality.

 Here, the process shifts from the client to the service provider. Transition management ensures a smooth handover, emphasizing training, documentation, and knowledge transfer.

The outsourced team takes charge of daily operations, maintaining or exceeding the quality benchmarks set in the SLA.

 Regular assessments are conducted against the SLA metrics. Performance reports provide insights into efficiency, productivity, and areas for improvement.

This is a continuous process where feedback from the client is integrated into operations. Adjustments are made to align with the client's evolving requirements.

 As the engagement approaches its end, discussions revolve around renewing the contract, optimizing the outsourced processes further, or transitioning them back to the client.The BPO model ensures that businesses can offload specific operations, enhancing overall efficiency while focusing on core competencies


Navigating the complexities of today’s business environment requires foresight and adaptability. Our strategy consulting focuses on custom insights and strategic frameworks designed to address unique challenges. We offer a blend of innovation and practicality, setting the stage for long-term success. Explore the core methodology underpinning our strategic insights next.

The initial phase involves understanding the client's business objectives, challenges, and current operational landscape. Through stakeholder interviews, surveys, and data analysis, we establish a baseline, identifying gaps and potential areas for improvement.

Based on our assessment, a tailored strategy is crafted. This proposal outlines potential solutions, expected outcomes, and a preliminary plan of action. The agility component ensures that the proposal is flexible, allowing for real-time adjustments in later stages.

Our model emphasizes the iterative nature of strategy formulation. We conduct multiple brainstorming sessions, refining our approach based on client feedback and evolving market conditions. This iterative phase ensures that the strategy remains dynamic and aligns with the client's vision.

 Once the strategy undergoes iterations, it's presented to the client for validation. This phase ensures total alignment between client expectations and our proposed solution.


With client approval, the strategic plan transitions to the execution phase. A dedicated team, agile in nature, is allocated for implementation. Clients have the flexibility to scale this team up or down based on their evolving needs, ensuring that resource allocation always aligns with project requirements.


Post-execution, results are evaluated against the initial objectives. Key learnings are documented, and a close-out report is prepared, encompassing all stages of the project, outcomes achieved, and recommendations for future engagements.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

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(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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